Yang is talking once again...
Hi guys! Welcome to my blog!
I shall do a short introduction since some of you might not know me.
I am Lek Pei Yang, born in Singapore.
I am currently 16 this year (2009)and I am studying in Queenstown Secondary School.
I am in a normal technical stream. (Yea I know it sucks)
Well, since I am in a normal technical stream, I couldn't use such good English like some of you and I might make some grammar mistakes. I apologize for this. I hope that you guys can just try to understand what I am talking about. Lol
-My future plans-
Well, for my future plan.. I decided to study well for my 'N' levels examinations and apply for Food Science in ITE.
In ITE, I will continue to study hard and try to get into Polytechnic and do well again blah blah blah...
Then NS.. After NS, If I could go to University I will continue my studies there.
-What I decided to work as?-
Hmm, a food stall owner? Lol, I know it might sound foolish.. Oh well, I am serious about it xD.
Each month should earn around 2000~4000 Singapore Dollars per month for the start..
Then I will save till at least 100,000 Singapore Dollars and invest on houses.
After which, I will have more money by then. :D
-What type of girl do I like?-
Hmm, a girl that I like? Should be pretty of course. Haha, seriously.. I am straightforward.
Everyone first impression is the looks. Then by heart.
Don't you guys wish to have a handsome/pretty stead?
Haha lastly, a girl that can attract me!
-What online games do I play?-
AuditionSEA. I have been playing AuditionSEA since 2007,
I am -Silent in AuditionSEA
Feel free to find me there! :D
Well, I shall end here. I am tired now..
I will post again tomorrow! See ya!
P.S: I am sorry about the plain blog and thank you Summergirl for doing this blog skin ^^