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Wednesday, January 26, 2011 , 9:19 PM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Oh my god! I said I would come back blog, and I did not. :(
Haha, partly because I am too busy nowadays. Playing games, *studying*, and so on.
Somehow, nowadays I keep thinking of my past, and find it quite funny. Hahaha, but I need to move on yeah.

Haha, anyway, please vote for my En Ting (C3) at -> http://nemation.sg/
Those who vote for my En Ting, you can claim one paper handmade cookie from me! Specially from me only!! While stock last! Hahaha!
AND! Seriously, Denise look so pretty! Wtf. LOL!

To Kai Yin,
My cutie Kai Yin, don't sad kay? I believe everyone love you! Think positive! :D

Anyway, today kinda suck-ed.
Being a class rep, isn't so easy. Last time, whenever they late, I would mark present for them, end up being screw by my teachers.

Then today, Alger told me to mark properly, because of some misunderstanding last year.
Seriously, fuck-ed up. If you want me to mark properly, at least come on time, so that I wouldn't mark you late and ended up you get a warning letter and blame on me.

If I really anyhow mark, why only I see you complaining? (Even others complain, at least they know they really are in the wrong)

Before class, I would mark those who already reach the class, and those who came after 15 minutes, I would mark late. After 30minutes, I mark absent as most teachers request me to do so. After the lesson end, I would CHECK again for those I miss out. Seriously, you think I really anyhow mark? Fuck yourself.

I know some classmates really don't like the way I mark, but fact is, seriously, come early man.
If you are late around 18minutes, I WOULD still mark you as present, but fuck, you came so late, and teachers were already staring the fuck out of you, and you still have the face to complain to me? Comon, if you were so good, I would let you take the job. Comon, just one word, I would tell straight to Miss Tan, that I let you to be the class rep.

Seriously, I know. I know!
You all don't like to be mark as late or absent, but I from Choa Chu Kang to Simei, which is further than most of you, and I seldom late, so what's with the problem with you?

No one owe you a living man.
Seriously, grow up.
Even I have a cheerful attitude, doesn't mean I would let you fuck around.

Oh my god, I can't believe I really get heated up because of some guys like him.
I really need to cool down my temper.

Lastly, Happy birthday to Michelle!
Walao, already go to JC liao! I still in ITE LEI!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011 , 2:53 PM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Wow, it has been a long time since I last blogged.
Two years has passed, I am already in ITE, currently studying in Applied Food Science.
Life is quite hard in ITE, as it is full of practicals, and lectures.

My grades in ITE
Introduction in Food Science - Distinction
Essential in Chemistry - Distinction
Food Hygiene and Sanitation - B
Food Handling and Preparation - A

Current GPA : 3.75

Quite sad as I drop from GPA 4 to 3.75, because of sleeping in lessons, and not willing to do works in practical.

Haha, anyway I guess I will work hard for my next three core modules and the attachment to pull up my GPA.

I guess I will be active in blogger because I start to have interest in blogging again. :)
Enjoy my personal life here!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009 , 1:02 PM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Ohoh, finally! It is the end of 'N' level examinations!
:) It was quite easy, but I screwed up some of the papers..
English paper 1 -> Anyhow write
Maths paper 1/2 -> Some questions never learn
Chinese oral -> Keep jamming when talking
Science paper 2 -> Some spelling mistakes
CPA -> Chart label wrongly
Food Studies -> Wtf? The hardest paper.. At most just pass only :(

Oh well, must blame on myself for playing Audition instead of studying!
Bad habit.. :( Guys, please do not learn from me!
Study 1st, play later!

Ohoh! 1st time medal! Well, it is lucky, because it was CC4 :D
I was too excited till I forgot to SS during arena..

Oh now~ Bye Mythology, hi Rename/Dreams
:) They are very friendly and hyper :D
Jy Rename/Dreams!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 , 2:32 AM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Hi readers, I am sorry that I have been so inactive for blogger.
Partly because of my 'N' level examinations.
^^ I have been studying hard (like real) for my 'N' levels.
Oh well, today I had my Science paper. It was easy compared to preliminary ones.
Well, after discussing some of the answers, I already found out 7 mistakes.
Which means 7marks already gone. :( Lmao, confirm cannot get A..

Well, tomorrow is Maths paper! I hope I will do well for it :)
Good luck peeps~ For your examinations :D

Oh by the way if you are blog hopper, and you hop to my blog, please leave a tag here ^^
Please indicate your name too. Thanks

P.S: I will relink you guys as fast as possible.
Thanks for your patient.

Saturday, September 5, 2009 , 12:45 AM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Alright, I shall not reserve this post. As my blogger is okay now.
Maybe because it is an important post for Reqix that is why it is okay right now.

Yes, I apologize for using so much vulgarities in Mythology's blog when I was posting during that day. I am just being pissed on myself for being a coward.
If you think that my explanation wasn't good enough for you, I am sorry about this.
I don't want to explain anymore things, as it will cause much more distractions.
I can't explain anything better already, sorry.

As I said during my 15/8 post, I don't expect you guys to forgive me.
I know I am in the wrong, therefore, I will stop explaining. Since explaining is still the same.
A mistake, is a mistake just like a broken vase will never be the same.

Yea, I truly don't deserve it.
So, I shall stop my craps here to avoid saying wrong words again.

My many thanks to Wenbin, Reqix and Saphix.

-Silent, Yang

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 , 10:58 PM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Yo! It is Yang here :D

Today, I woke up at 10am thanks to someone! So I decided to bathe to clean myself, after bathing, I style my hair and everything. Then I decided to call Henry to meet me at Food Junction and have our breakfast there. Awhile later, he came. We ate "Special Sauce Fillet" then I sms Qiang, and ask him to meet us at Redhill. We reach Redhill at 12:10pm and continue our journey to Bedok. After reaching Bedok, we took bus 40 to CyberEra! Nabei, take till halfway, rainning! Kao! So I snatch Qiang's teenage magazine to take as a cover LOL!

After reaching CyberEra, Qiang asks Potion to help us register ^^

After login-ing into the Era's computer, WTF? Load the patch for 5minutes to start! Lin ah bu eh! Then when the patch is ready, Qiang say must close then open again! Fuck him, after I closed, when I open, I need to reload for 5minutes again! CHEEBONG!
Thanks to him -.-"

Finally when I get into Audition, I try playing using the computer. WTF? 60frames LOL suck like what the fuck? I keep on miss and miss! Dam xia suey as some of the people are looking at me TT! No face liao la! Then I dam dulan! I almost wanted to whack the computer, but
I tell you, Era alot of chio bu(s) must go there! LOL :P

After awhile, more and more people came. Kimberly, Dolphy and Qian Wen arrived O.O!
Haha I saw Kimberly! She dam shy? O.O She look like Ahcha lmao!

Lols aiya lazy to talk about all the things at Era. Dam bored !_!
After Era-ing, I was like... Hungry ._. so I ask Henry to have lunch with me.
He and me went to don't know which mall to eat MacDonalds. After eating, we went back to Era, talk to Dolphy and see Qian Wen and Kimberly for awhile then I dam bored..
So I left without saying goodbye LOL!
Dolphy keep on whacking me TT! BULLY RAWR

After leaving Era, took don't know what number bus to Plaza Sing, and ate Japanese curry rice! LOL
It is nice and tasty! :D I couldn't post the picture here as my blogger has some problems TT!

Okay I shall end here :D

Monday, August 31, 2009 , 11:30 PM Y

Yang is talking once again...

Hello! It is Yang here again :D
Today is Teachers day and Aces Day!

Haha, quite bored.. I wanted to skip school but well, I am a good boy :D
Early in the morning when I woke up, I felt dam cold. So I decided to wear another tee-shirt.
But when I reached school, I felt dam hot LOL! Well, but after awhile not hot again... Aiya, just weird!

Then all Queenstownians were gathering at the parade square for singing the "MA LI KI TA"!
Then we were all being separated by levels. We, the secondary four students are being called to the Indoor Sport Hall.
Starting, I felt very nervous! As we are going to dance, but we didn't even create our dance! LOL
But luckily, Mr Harrie help us to avoid the embarrassment. He ask five classes to dance together! :D Thank you Mr Harrie!
After our secondary four dance end, secondary 4E won, congrats!
We continue to make our way to the final stage, the School Hall.
When we reached the school hall, we watched 3D perform! They are very good, but secondary 3A won I think so?
After 3D have finish performing, we all gather in the School Hall for the finals!
Secondary 1 - 3 vs! In the end secondary 2D won!

Oh well, after school.. We don't know where to go, so we decided to have our breakfast/lunch at Tiong Bahru's KFC.
After KFC-ing, I bought a sexy shoe for tomorrow outing!
Then Guo Xing, Naqib and Henry follow me to my house.
Guo Xing and I keep on disturbing Naqib by taking video of him! HAHAHA dam funny!

After disturbing him for don't know how many hours, I fall asleep.. YAWNNN!!
Tomorrow CyberEra!

The Profile-

I love you always..

Welcome to Yang's official blog

Lek Pei Yang
17 Years Old
Radin Mas Primary
Queenstown Secondary School
Simei ITE


My little wish-

-Always get good results
-Earn big money
-Being loved by everyone
-Everyone happy everyday!





Designer: ♥ilovemj
